Recipe for Crafter's Delight * Ingredients: 1 Bunkie Bag 2 Stamp Junkies Kim Gausman ZumMallen-Pieturezwski Den Bunkie-Bags Numerous ideas Assorted Craft Supplies, stamps, 2 different types of tape, inks, glue, pens, pencils, scissors, watercolor pens, cut card stock, energy food (candy bars :) water bottle, wipes, cell phone (to check out Pinterest, Fb, IG and other Junkies) and everything else you can think of that is Not the kitchen sink! * There is another variation of this recipe coming up too. 1 Cup of genius sprinkled with love 1 Willing Sewist with lots of fun fabric and zi...
Simply Charming Everyday is dedicated to creating beautiful and functional products for crafters and their supplies.